Who Are The Men Who Truly Ride?
Men who don’t live in little boxes, that society says are OK.
Men who don’t have to have predictability and delusions of security
to really
live and enjoy life.
Men who have little tolerance for people’s bullshit and stories
to try to
manipulate others.
Men who see through society’s little games, to try and keep people small.
Men who clearly know the difference between real Men,
and boys with
good masks.
Men who often slam Truth on to the table,
when too much bullshit is
being spoken.
Men who know the value of keeping themselves in a Tribe of good Men.
Men who feel what life’s about, not just live in their heads.
Men who know the difference between real integrity, and skilled bullshit.
Men who are clear about, what kind of Men they want to have their back.
Men who know how to push their limits and work their edges,
and why
they want to do so.
Men who intentionally explore themselves,
to see who they want to be and
what their life is really about.
Men who honor personal space, for themselves and others.
Men who know the value of Respect, and do not settle for less.
Men who can watch themselves,
and not do stupid knee-jerk shit because
of their emotions and reactions.
Men who aren’t slackers, but clearly know the value
of taking time off
to reflect on where their life is at.
Men who pay attention to God’s handiwork in the beauty of nature,
how they might fit into the Bigger Deal.
Men who know how to listen, to the Wind.